Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Tale of Prince Harry and the Veldskoen

Apparently HRH Prince Harry is bringing back the Desert Boot. By which I mean, for South Africans, the lovely ginger prince has made the good old native South African shoe, the veldskoen, fashionable once more. Like we didn't know that already.
Not to take anything away from the good Prince. After all he does spend a great deal of time here in our country, and supporting our neighbour Lesotho. But we noticed a couple of years ago that the vellie was making its way back into common usage. And on his recent Diamond Jubilee tour, Prince Harry wore his version - from Russell & Bromley I believe - in two colours, tobacco and a lively blue suede for his dancing efforts. Well. Not sure about that one.
So what do you guys think about Harry and the veldskoen? Happy? Approve? Think it is unseemly? Let me know.